Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Perception - Consumer Behaviour and CRM - 2

We are talking here consumer behavior as part of our talk on Why CRM. We talked CRM, Importance of Consumer Behavior , Consumer Behavior-Introduction as a part of leadorganizer and lead management with reference to Why CRM and agency management system. In our previous post, we talk about Types of Consumers, Buyer Vs User, factor influencing consumer behavior, psychological factors effecting consumer behavior, Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs and Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs - Consumer Behaviour -1.

Today we talk Perception as psychological factor.

Perception is the second major psychological factor that influences consumer behavior. Perception can be described as “how we see the world around us”. All the time we are receiving messages through our five organs viz., eyes, ears, nose, mouth and skin, The different sights, sounds, smells, tastes and sensations that we feel are knows as stimuli.

Each person recognize, selects, organizes and interprets these stimuli in his own individual manner based on his needs, values and expectations and this is knows as perception. Since each individual’s need, motives and expectations are unique therefore each individual’s perception is unique.

Perception helps to explain the phenomenon of why different individuals respond differently to the same stimulus under the same condition. As a marketing manager, you are providing stimulus to your consumers through the physical shape, colour, size, fragrance, feel, taste of your product, it’s package, advertisements and commercials.

Your interest is to understand why and what different types of perceptions are associated with each of the stimuli so that you can highlight that particular stimulus or combination of stimuli which evokes the most favorable perception in the maximum number of consumers.

ref: CRM Software with leadorganizer, agency management software


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