Monday, January 21, 2008

Personal Factors - Consumer Behavior

Agency Management System include CRM. we are talking here why crm and we talked consumer behavior in our last talk.
consumer’s purchase decisions are also affected by his personal characteristics such as age, sex, and stag in family life-cycle, education, occupation, income, life-style, his overall personality and overall self-concept. We shall now discuss some of the influences.

Demographic factors and life-cycle stage

The first factor influencing buyer’s decision is his age. The need for different products and services changes with age. Babies and children have special needs for products such as milk powder, baby foods and toys. Young adults need cloths, recreational and educational facilities, transportation and a host of other age and fashion related consumption needs.

There are certain physiological differences between men and women which result in their having different consumption needs. Women need specialized medical facilities for pregnancy and delivery. Their requirement of cloths and cosmetics is different from that of men. Each gender thus has its own need for specific products and services.

Consumption behavior is also influenced by the specific stage of the family life cycle. We talk about it in our next post.

ref: agency management system, Insurance CRM & SFA software