Friday, December 28, 2007

Learning - Consumer Behavior

Consumer Behavior we are taking here as a part of Insurance CRM Software and agency management system. We talk Perception in our past posts. Today we are going to talk Learning as important aspect of consumer behavior.


A new born infant’s sucking at the feeding bottle is instinctive behavior, but a five-year old clamouring for chocolate or chewing gum is the result of learned behavior. Much of an adult’s human behavior is learned behavior.

This is a very significant fact for marketers, because it implies that consumers can be made to learn the desired behavior through interplay of motives, stimuli, cues, responses and reinforcements. A housewife has the need for cutting down the time she spends for cooking in the kitchen. When this need is strong enough to propel her to take action it becomes a motive. The motive is directed towards the stimulus object - a pressure cooker. The stimuli are the various advertisement about the product which she sees and hears. Cuse are minor stimuli that determine when, where and how the hosewife responds.

We talk more on Learning in our next post.

ref: Insurance CRM, Insurance SFA Software, agency management software

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Perception - Selective Retention

we are talking here Perception as part of consumer behavior with why crm and agency management system. Today we are going to talk abot Selective Retention as important aspect of Pereception.

Selective Retention:

People forget much of the stimuli which they receive and only remtain that information which reinforces their values and decision. You are more likely to remember the positive features of brand pressure cooker since they help reassure you that the decision which you had made was correct.

ref: Insurance Software Insurance SFA, agency management system