Monday, January 7, 2008

Beliefs and Attitudes - Consumer Behavior

Why CRM, we are talking here which is a part of agency management system, as part of our talked we talk consumer behavior. In last post we talked about Learning

A belief is a descriptive thought that a person has about something. A person may believe that a certain cooking oil 'x' has the lowest fat content and is best for health. This belief may be based on some real facts or it i my merely be a notion or opinion that the person has.

The belief that the customer has about a brand is important because it determines his behaviour towards buying and using it. The beliefs constitute the brand image, and if the customer has the wrong beliefs he is likely to generate a negative image about the brand. The marketer must ensure that consumers have all relevant and correct information about the brand to facilitate formation of a positive brand image.

Attitude is a person's enduring feeling, evaluation and tendency towards a particular idea or object.
Starting from childhood, attitudes develop over the time with each fresh knowledge input, experience and influence. Attitudes get settled into specific patterns and are difficult to change. It is easier to market a product which fits in well with the existing patterns of attitudes rather than change the attitudes to fit a new product concept.

ref: Insurance CRM Software, , agency management system


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